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High Performance Coaching for Persistence with Damien Vanderburg

How the 3R Technique Will Help You to Get Your Goals Back on Track

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The fastest way to achieve what you want in life is to first set a definite goal with a clear plan of action. That's why having clarity around what you want in life will prevent that feeling of just floating through each day without meaning or purpose. 

Whether it’s about losing weight to regain your health or increasing your income or business profits - maybe so you can live a more comfortable lifestyle - knowing what you want allows you to put action steps in place.

After all, nothing happens in life without taking action first. 


Would you like some guidance and inspiration to master the most critical areas of your like? Check out my FREE guide, 5 Secrets to High Performance.


Celebrities Who Persisted Through Obstacles and Challenges

If you’re feeling defeated with not reaching goals in the past, don’t worry. Even the most successful celebrities and business owners have seen their own failures but continued to set goals anyway. Here are some examples to consider:



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Michael Jordan, arguably one of the best professional basketball players of all time, was rejected as a sophomore by the high school basketball team because he was too short. Told he would never be able to play competitively at that level, he began to obsess over everything basketball. He practiced as much as he could and "sharpened the axe". By the next season, he had grown an additional four inches and with his freshly honed skills, dominated the court, averaging 25 points a game.  After accepting a scholarship to North Carolina, he would eventually be drafter into the NBA after three years as number three overall.  In his first year he averaged 28 points a game, was selected as an All-Star, and won Rookie of the Year. He would go on to have one of the most storied careers in all of sports. 


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Walt Disney was a movie and TV producer who introduced Mickey Mouse and the Disneyland theme park. But before all of that success, he experienced many challenges, including the bankruptcy of his first production studio. When he proposed his idea for the Disney World theme park, today worth many billions of dollars, he was rejected by more than 300 different bankers. 

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Thomas Edison, someone who was labeled as “stupid” by his teachers, eventually held over 1,000 patents for inventions. His most famous - the lightbulb - took more than 10,000 attempts before Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” 


So, you may not have reached every goal, but that doesn’t mean you stop trying.

Successful people like MJ, Walt Disney and Thomas Edison have all learned how to be persistent through multiple trials of adversity. Without persistence, we are more likely to give up and quit when things get difficult. And that simply equates to having no chance of achieving the success you want.

What would have happened if Michael Jordan just gave up on his dream of playing in the NBA? Or if Walt Disney decided to give in after just 100 banks rejected his theme park idea? How different would the world be?

In essence, persistence is the ability to continue taking action towards your goals, despite the challenges and struggles that might present themselves. I talked about resilience in another article because without it coupled to persistence, we are more likely to give up and quit when things get difficult. And that simply equates to having no chance of achieving the success you want. However, when properly exercised, being persistent serves to separate those who are interested in achieving something they want and those who are fully committed to achieving it.


RELATED ARTICLE | 3 Crucial Keys to Resounding Resilience: How to Bounce Back When Life Throws You Lemons


But knowing that you need to be persistent is a far cry from actually being persistent. How you choose to deal with the many setbacks and challenges will determine if you will achieve success.

So, how can you actually be more persistent?


The Secret Ingredient to Persistence is the 3R Formula

High performers understand that achieving success in life in accomplishing our biggest goals requires a systematic approach. The 3R Formula is a simple and easy way to assess and refocus your actions, so you are more likely to achieve the outcome you desire.

Implement these three steps to develop greater persistence:

1. REFLECT ON YOUR PAST OUTCOMES WITH OBJECTIVITY.  Begin by taking a moment to pause and REFLECT on your most recent actions. What outcome or outcomes did that yield? Without being judgmental, take inventory of what worked and what didn't. Take a moment to "sharpen the axe", and ask yourself what you might have done differently to achieve a more desirable outcome. 

2. REVISE YOUR ACTIONS. Next, level up on and REVISE the actions you’re taking. First ensure that your actions are in alignment with what you truly want in life. If they are not, you will never achieve your goal, no matter how badly you want it. Once in alignment, choose the best next action available to you. This is often secret sauce achieving your goals. 

RELATED ARTICLE | 5 Essential Tools To Accelerate Your Success and Achieve Big Goals


3. REMOVE RESISTANCE POINTS.  And finally, REMOVE all the external noise. These are the things that, combined, only serve to distract you and lead you away from what you truly desire. Almost certainly these are impulsive reactions that only deliver short term satisfaction and minimal results. As such, they collectively act as resistance points, and are holding you back from the success you seek. 

Using these three steps will help you to better systemize your approach towards achieving your long term goals. Even though success is never guaranteed, it will improve your chances of achieving it.


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And so, what about you? Where would you be in 20 years if you fail to resist pressure and temptation of the right now, and give up on continually taking action towards realizing your most important goals - however difficult that may be?

Ask yourself, when the best time for you to take back control? Isn't now the time to double-down and commit to taking the best next action step towards achieving your goals?

Of course, it is. 

The 3R Formula to persistence serves as a powerful high performance tool. It will allow you to put new action steps in place and move you closer towards realizing your most important goals.

After all, nothing happens in life without taking action. 


Would you like some guidance and inspiration to accelerate your success and achieve life's biggest goals? 

Check out my FREE GOAL SETTING MASTERY guide. It's been professionally designed to help you properly set and achieve your goals for years to come.


Download it now!  


Look, we’re both serious about accomplishing your most important goals in life. Let’s make it official and work together.

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Damien Vanderburg is a certified high performance coach with a focus on personal development, high price-point sales and serial entrepreneurship. Damien helps high performers to transform effectiveness, maximize potential and accelerate results. He is also the co-founder of Counterpoint Test Prep, a test prep and college app consulting company. 

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