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Here’s The Biggest Mistake To Avoid When Setting New Year's Resolutions

goal setting


Whether you had a stellar year or it was one you’d like to forget, either way, it’s that time of year to be thinking about what areas of life you excelled in last year and also what areas of life that need more of your attention and intention moving forward.


In other words, it’s time to start thinking about your New Year’s goals and resolutions for 2022. 


Why goals and resolutions? Well, goals help you gauge your success and help you stay motivated to reach those goals. While some people don’t embrace the planning stages of goals setting, even those who prefer the “fly by the seat of your pants” approach to running their life and business have specific end goals in mind.


That's because whether you're at home or growing a business, goals help to accelerate success; not having goals is equivalent to being on a hamster wheel going nowhere.


And that’s the thing because, did you know that most people struggle with their goals and resolutions?  And it’s crazy to hear this, but did you know that more than 90% of New Year’s goals and resolutions are lost by Valentine's Day?


Ninety percent!


And yet, these are things that people have thought about and set an intention around improving, right?


So, what's the biggest NY resolution mistake to avoid? What can you do to set yourself up for success this year, starting with your New Year’s goals and resolutions?



Well, first understand that there’s a fundamental mistake that people make when they first set their New Year’s goals and resolutions, and that is that they set it as a destination.


They’ll say,

  • "I will make $250,000 in this year."
  • "I will Lose 15 pounds by March 1, 2022."
  • "I will start a business this year."


Can you see why these are goals and resolutions that are bound to fail?



RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Essential Tools To Accelerate Your Success and Achieve Big Goals



It’s because they lack the process goals that are required to get there. They’re like a pie in the sky. In other words, that means they’re more like wishes than an intentional goal or resolution. 





Listen, if you’re really serious about reaching your goals and keeping your resolutions this year, instead of writing your goals for the end game, instead write them around the process of getting there and around what you can control.


See if you can spot the difference in these goals and resolutions:

  • “I will make 10 prospecting calls 10 AM every week for 30 days.’
  • ‘Each Wednesday at 7 AM I will make 15 prospect calls.’
  • ‘I will follow my diet and go to the gym every day for 30 days.’


Can you see the difference between an end goal and a process goal? 

High performers know that they have to be intentional in the areas of life they find most important to them: from our finances, to our careers, our health, and our relationships, nothing important or significant should be left to chance.


By the way, in case you missed it, I recently hosted a 2021 Year in Review Workshop designed to help people look back at the last 12 months and reflect so that you can step into the New Year with confidence and a plan. 

Watch the replay for FREE by clicking here to check it out!



That's why goals are an important part of living a full life. From our finances, to our careers, our healthy, and our relationships, high performers know that simply the act of writing goals down increases the likelihood of achieving them by nearly 1.5 times.


So think about your New Yea’s goals and resolutions and consider that if it’s not a process oriented goal or resolution, it’s as good as lost by Valentine's Day!


Meet the author, Coach Damien Vanderburg, founder of Damien Vanderburg Coaching, and co-founder of Counterpoint Test Prep, a test prep and college app consulting company

PS It's time to get ahead of all that you want to accomplish moving in to the New Year!

When you're ready, let's connect and mastermind how we can optimize your long-term performance, both personally and professionally.


DM me “CHAMPION” and let's get moving and together, let's make a difference in the world!


I can help you to be more productive and experience more joy in the most critical areas of life.

 Or, send me an email at [email protected]






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